Machine Guarding Risk Assessments
Machinery Guarding Risk Assessments
Nationwide | Leeds | Bradford | Manchester | Sheffield | Yorkshire
BS EN ISO 12100:2010 Safety of machinery. General principles for design. Risk assessment and risk reduction
Our specialist machinery guarding safety consultants can conduct machinery risk assessments for all kinds of machinery. SMSE carries out machinery risk assessments for a wide range of machines and businesses. Our risk assessments are carried out in line with BSEN12100:2010 Safety of Machinery. General Principles for Design. Risk Assessment and Risk Reduction.
We cover the whole of the UK and can offer this service as a standalone service or as part of an overall Health and Safety package.
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Machine Guarding Risk Assessments
Machinery Guarding Risk Assessments
Previous machinery risk assessment projects include:
- Multinational Aerospace Industries
- Multinational Crane and processing equipment manufacturers.
- World leading value manufacturers
- World leading heat transfer, separation and fluid handling technology company
- Multinational cleaning and packaging Industry
- Engineering workshops
If you require a risk assessment carrying out for your machinery, please contact us and we can provide you with a quotation for your business.