Noise Assessment
Noise Assessments
If you have any questions regarding these courses, our services, feel free to get in touch.
Do you need a Noise assessment or Noise Survey?
Hearing damage caused by exposure to noise at work is permanent and incurable. Research estimates that over 2 million people are exposed to noise levels that may be harmful. There are many new cases of people receiving compensation for hearing damage each year, through both civil claims and the Government disability benefit scheme, with considerable costs to industry, society and, most importantly, the people who suffer the disability.
Noise Assessments
Our Health and Safety Consultants can carry out Noise Assessments for any workplace environment. Our noise assessments and noise surveys are carried out by competent persons to the best practice requirements of the Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005.
If you are a company looking for a noise assessment and are based in Leeds, York, Harrogate, Hull and Yorkshire or further afield, our trained noise assessment consultants can undertake a noise survey or assessment to measure the levels of noise your employees are exposed to.
How will the noise assessment be carried out?
The noise assessment will be carried out by a qualified competent person, as required by law under the Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 and will be conducted using a calibrated Cirrus Research Type 1 Sound Level Meter. (This is a more accurate meter than used by many noise assessors who use a Type 2 Meter).A Noise consultant will attend site and introduce himself and conduct an initial meeting about your noise issues. He will ask a number of questions regarding you current noise control measures and noise management in order to understand your current procedures.
The survey will fully comply with the requirements of the Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005, and will provide recommendations on meeting your obligations under them. The noise assessment will measure the noise levels in each of the areas assessed. The report will also indicate daily exposure of each person working in that area. Included in the report will be hearing protection calculations for the locations assessed, with a list of suitable hearing protection for the noise levels measured. Additionally, if you have plans available for each site, a noise map can be produced to indicate noise levels within the area and any Hearing Protection zones that may need to be established.
Our Noise Assessment Experience
Our noise assessors and consultants have experience of assessing noise in a wide range of environments and sectors. We have carried out noise assessments in woodworking companies, engineering workshops, construction sites, pet food manufacturers, furniture makers, entertainment venues as well as countless other types of businesses and premises.
The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005
The Control of Noise at Work Regulations require employers to carry out an assessment of the risk to health and safety created by noise in the workplace.
The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 require all employers to take specific action at certain action values. These relate to:
- the levels of exposure to noise of employees averaged over a working day or week; and
- the maximum noise (peak sound pressure) to which employees are exposed in a working day.
The values are:
lower exposure action values:
– daily or weekly exposure of 80 dB(A);
– peak sound pressure of 135 dB(C);
upper exposure action values:
– daily or weekly exposure of 85 dB(A);
– peak sound pressure of 137 dB(C).
There are also levels of noise exposure which must not be exceeded:
exposure limit values:
– daily or weekly exposure of 87 dB(A);
– peak sound pressure of 140 dB(C).
These exposure limit values take account of any reduction in exposure provided by hearing protection. SMSE carry out noise assessments and measurements and suggest controls that can help an employer reduce the risk of noise in the workplace. Our competent and fully trained noise assessors and consultants will provide you with a noise assessment of you premises and assist you in implementing a noise control strategy. Remember, just measuring the noise does not fulfil your duties as an employer; you need to control it as well.
Search Questions answered:
What is a noise assessment?
A noise assessment is a legal requirement under the Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005. The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 require all employers to take specific action at certain action values. A noise assessment is a systematic and methodical measurement and evaluation of your noise producing activities at your business premises, the different activities carried out there, and the likelihood that noise will exceed the manadtory limits (Exposure Action Values/Limits).
The purpose of a noise assessment, or noise risk assessment is: to assess:
- the levels of exposure to noise of employees averaged over a working day or week; and
- the maximum noise (peak sound pressure) to which employees are exposed in a working day.
Identify noise hazards.
• Reduce the risk of hazards causing harm to as low as reasonably practicable.
• Understand and decide what physical precautions and management arrangements are required (where necessary) to ensure the safety of people exposed to noise.
Noise Assessment Terms
Sound: That which is detected by the Ear.
Noise: “Unwanted Sound”
Sound Pressure: The variation of ambient pressure that is detected by the ear as sound
Decibel (dB): Ten times the logarithm of the square of the ratio of the sound to a reference pressure (20 micro-pascals)
Sound Pressure Level (Lp): The decibel version of sound pressure
A-Weighting: A frequency weighting which simulates the response of the ear. Sound pressure levels with the A-weighting have units of dB(A)
Leq: The value of the sound pressure level, in dB of a continuous steady sound, which has the same mean-square sound pressure as a sound that, varies with times, i.e. the average sound pressure level. The Leq is the A weighted Lep,d
Lep,d: The daily personal exposure level. This is the level of daily personal noise exposure of an employee, taking no account of the effect of any personal ear protector used.
Pmax: The value of the peak sound pressure level, in dB
Lmin: The value of the lowest sound pressure level in dB.
Lower Exposure Action Value: (LEAV) a daily or weekly personal noise exposure of 80dB (A-weighted) and a peak sound pressure of 135dB (C-weighted).
Upper Exposure Action Values: (UEAV) a daily or weekly personal noise exposure of 85dB (A-weighted) and a peak sound pressure of 137 dB (C-weighted).
Exposure Limit Value (ELV): A daily or weekly personal noise exposure of 87dB (A-weighted) and a peak sound pressure of 140dB (C-weighted).
Frequency (“pitch”): The frequency of a sound determines whether we hear a high pitched sound (high frequency) or a low pitched sound (low frequency).
Amplitude (“loudness”): The amplitude of a sound determines whether we hear a loud sound (high amplitude) or a quiet sound (low amplitude). The loudness of a sound is measured on the Decibel scale and is shown as dB.
Do I need a Noise Risk Assessment?
Whether you need a noise assessment will depend on how loud the noise is and how long your employees are exposed to it. If any of the following situations apply you will probably need to do something about the noise:
- Is noise intrusive - like a busy bar or a domestic vacuum cleaner or a crowded street - for the majoroty of the working day?
- To carry out a normal conversation, do people need to raise their voices when about 2 m apart, for at least part of the day?
- Do employees use eletrical or pneumatic tools or machinery that are noisy for more than half an hour each day?
- Do you work in any of the following dustries: construction, general fabrication; demolition ; woodworking; plastics processing; engineering; road repair; textile manufacture;; forging, pressing or stamping; paper or board making; canning or bottling; foundries, or any other noisy industry?
- Is there impact noise? (such as hammering, drop forging, pneumatic impact tools etc), explosive sources such as cartridge operated tools or detonators, or guns?
How much does a Noise Assessment cost?
The cost of a noise assessment generally depends on the acitivites you carry out and the size of your building. In simple terms, the smaller and simpler your noise producing activities are, the cheaper the noise risk assessment will be. For larger and more noise sources, a noise risk assessment will take more time, requires specialist knoweldge and therefore tends to cost more. For an instant, accurate quotation for a noise risk assessment in Leeds, Bradford, York, Harrogate or anywhere in the UK, please fill in the request a quote form below or ring 01937 836111 and we will organise a quotation for you
Can I book a Noise risk assessment in Leeds or Bradford?
YES! SMSE carry out noise risk assessments across Yorkshire and U.K. and conduct many noise risk assessments in the Leeds and Bradford areas. To arrange a noise risk assessment or noise survey in Leeds, Bradford, York, Harrogate or anywhere in the UK, please complete the form below or ring 01937 836111 and we will organise your noise risk assessment.
What is a competent Noise Assessor?
When choosing a noise assessment consultant, ensure that they are qualified as noise practitioners and use high quality equipment. Remeber to ask questions to ensure that you are getting the best possible advice:
What qualifications do you have?
What type of noise meter are you using?
What will the noise assessment report detail?
Is your sound level meter calibrated?
Will your noise assessment consider chemicals that can affect hearing?
Will your noise assessment consider the affects of vibration on hearing loss?
What Areas of the UK can you carry out noise risk assessments?
We have nationwide coverage for Noise risk assessment activities and regularly carry out noise risk assessments across the country including London and the South East, Bristol and the South West, Birmingham, Midlands, Leeds, Yorkshire Manchester, Liverpool, Middlesbrough. Newcastle, Edinburgh and Scotland.