Display Screen Equipment (DSE/VDU) Training
Display Screen Equipment Training
Display screen equipment or VDUs are use by a huge amount of people at work… but how many of them know what risks they pose to their health and general well being? All employers need to carry out a display screen equipment assessment. Employers can do this themselves. SMSE provide Display Screen Equipment training courses to allow employers to assess their risks and provide general training on DSE use. Do you need Display Screen Equipment training course? Safety Management Services Europe can help you. If you think that computes, gives us a call… we may be your type of training company.
Display Screen Equipment (DSE/VDU) Training
Leeds | York | Bradford | Harrogate | Hull | Yorkshire
A qualified Health and Safety consultant will attend site and carry out a training session to meet you needs. The training will be carried out in sessions lasting approximately 1.5 hours and will cover:
- Introduction to display screen equipment
- DSE legislation
- Display screen equipment check lists
- Good Practice and ergonomic principles,
- Electrical Safety
- Health surveillance and display screen equipment assessment techniques.
All attendees will be provided with course notes, included in the price of the course and staff attending the course will receive a certificate as proof of attendance.
Ask Us A Question...
Display Screen Equipment (DSE/VDU) Training
Display Screen Equipment Regulations 1992 (as amended) – What the law says
Display screen equipment training is a requirement under Regulation 6 of the Display Screen Equipment Regulations 1992.
Where can I attend a course?
We are happy to provide you with bespoke in-house courses to suit your specific training needs. We will be happy to discuss these with you, or if you require help with an assessment of risk, please call or ask for more information by contacting us. Safety Management Services Europe delivers display screen equipment training courses across Yorkshire, Humberside and the North East.
Call us now for a chat about your Display Screen Equipment Training requirements on 0845 224 0028.